Awards and recognition
- 17/10/2014
- 24/06/2014
- 15/03/2013
- 15/12/2012
- 2/05/2012
- 5/03/2012
- 25/01/2012
- 25/10/2011
- 23/08/2011
- August 2011
- July 2011
- June 2011
- June 2011
- June 2011
- 10/06/2011
- May 2011 Skybus pilot launch in Madrid receives widespread coverage by Spanish TVs, radios, newspapers and on-line media.
- January 2011
- December 2010
- December 2010
- December 2010
- September 2010
- August 2010
- May 2010
- November 2010 Skybus selected to participate in 8th NEOTEC Venture Capital Forum
- July 2009

Skybus, finalist at the W2NYC Global Challenge
Skybus was finalist at the World to New York Global Challenge organized by NYEDC (NY's Office for Economic Development) in the mobility and transport solutions chapter. The event brought together 15 leading innovative start-ups (10 of them European).
An award in itself, the event allowed us to meet corporations, entrepreneurs and investors in the Smart Cities field, and of course, mobility and transportation managers of New York City ... read more

Skybus was at the Cities Summit in London
Convened by Mayor of London's office, the event took place in the magnificent City Hall and was chaired by Mr. Boris Johnson.
There we had the opportunity to present our experience in the first implementation of Skybus in Lavasa (India), accompanied by other entrepreneurs and municipal authorities from around the world ... read more

Skybus again nominated for the Living Labs Global Awards
After winning last year's Lavasa award, Brazilian city of Maringá has shortlisted this year Skybus among their preferred solutions to the challenge "SUSTAINABLE URBAN MOBILITY", which targets a continued and sustainable growth of Maringa's metropolitan area.
Skybus will compete next May in San Francisco for the prize, consisting of a pilot implementation in the Brazilian city ... read more

Skybus, finalist at CODE_n @ CEBIT
CODE_n is the international competition for tech startups at CeBIT, the largest information technology event in the world.
As a finalist of CODE_n @ CEBIT, Skybus will have an exclusive exhibition space for free in the "spectacular stand" that CODE_n will display at CeBIT 2013. Also, Skybus will opt for one of the two prizes of 15,000 Euros more
Skybus, winner at the Living Labs Global Awards 2012

The Spanish company is chosen as the most promising technological innovation towards the urban mobility of the future: more performant, sustainable and cost-effective, and less dependent on oil and cars.
The prize was awarded in Rio de Janeiro last May 2th. The jury, formed by 147 experts from a network of 21 cities including Mexico City, Sao Paulo, Birmingham, Barcelona and San Francisco, has worked for 7 months in the selection process. Skybus was elected among 3500 solutions, 550 competitors and 50 countries.
The award consists of an implementation project in Lavasa (India). The city pointed out that Skybus is not only an innovative and creative product, but also a perfect fit to the needs of Indian cities ... read more

Skybus, nominated to the Living Labs Global Awards 2012
Skybus, appointed by Barcelona (España) and Lavasa (India) to perform sustainable mobility pilots in both cities. Skybus is also nominated to the global prize that will be awarded by the 21 cities of the LLGA network at Rio de Janeiro next May 2nd... read more

Skybus invited to represent Spain in the 2012 European Business Awards!
European Business Awards honour those that promote success, innovation and ethics within the European business community... read more

Skybus selected among top 10 Sustainable Mobility concepts in ECONTENDENCIAS by Cosmocaixa (La Caixa Foundation)
La sesión Idea es el espacio de las propuestas frescas y las soluciones imaginativas; ... read more

Skybus finalist of White Bull 2011
Skybus selected finalist in European Start-up Contest White Bull 2011... read more

Skybus named Madrid's Start-up of the Year by Madrid Emprende (Madrid's City Hall)
Skybus receives price by LaSalle University

Skybus receives price by Madri+d Foundation
Skybus, es una empresa madrileña que ha creado una solución para conseguir un transporte urbano más eficaz y ecológico... read more
Skybus selected finalist by IBM Smartcamp Barcelona, the global competition for start-ups who want to build a smarter planet.
IBM SmartCamp Barcelona has just announced the Final 5 startups in this year's competition. The finalists cover the Smarter Planet topics of smarter transportation, energy management, and cities. IBM SmartCamp is part of the IBM Global Entrepreneur initiative, which provides support and resources to help startup companies build a smarter planet and change the way the world works... read more

Skybus among the 3 start-ups selected to present in Keiretsu Forum Madrid

Skybus selected to present in Europe Unlimited / EureCAN VC Forum

Skybus, first NEOTEC start-up to be awarded PID project by CDTI (Spanish Ministry of Science)

Skybus selected to present in Keiretsu Forum Barcelona

Skybus approved to join Universidad Politécnica de Madrid's Internation Excellence Campus in Montegancedo

Skybus awarded Avanza Project
Spanish Ministry of Industry, Tourism & Commerce funds Skybus R&D activities through the Plan Nacional de Investigación Científica, Desarrollo e Innovación Tecnológica 2008 - 2011 (Plan Avanza) (TSI-020100-2010-981).
Skybus selected to participate in Madri+d Foundation's VC Forum

Skybus becomes a CDTI NEOTEC Company